Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Body-surfing, Shirts and Stuff!

Today was one of those days where you run into everyone you know when all you want to do is stay home but what are you going to do when you need to buy food. Well eventually I got to have some time to myself and browsed through my usual design related bookmarks. The one thing that stood out to me was this website about body-surfing photography. My favorite is the one with the guy giving a peace sign inside a wave - I don't know why exactly but it is probably one of the best photos I have seen in my life (big call haha but I want it enlarged on my wall). Now all I can think about is body-surfing so hopefully one day a holiday will be in order.

I had a migraine headache on Tuesday so only started feeling motivated this morning to work on study related items and I am really excited about trying something unique with my DG cover. The other magazine cover we are working on was basically finished on the weekend but I went back a few times to touch it up a little so I will post that on here when I am satisfied with the whole thing.

Oh!!!!! Have to mention that Rahzo are selling that shirt I designed on their website now so that made my day ($19, with $2 going to good causes). Some of the stuff on there is good so I will be buying a few myself plus they are accepting designs constantly so I urge anyone to join in because they now offer money if you get one printed. And go here to find a list of other companies doing the same.

This is a Zine. Wow, just wow.

Well back to sketch this DG cover and see what creates itself - Luke.

Friday, March 6, 2009

DG Magazine Concept and a good journal.

Finally I have broken through and got a decent concept for the DG Magazine contest, I have no idea why but I really wanted to get this one spot on. It will revolve around the laziness of students/designers so it shall be pretty interesting in what comes out at the end plus like much of what I have done lately I want it to be totally different to my usual methods. Sure now we all have our slower days but I will be referring to the people who constantly under-perform due to sheer laziness. Which from my experience seems to be the people who are near the end of studies or are fully qualified. I could go on about this all day but hopefully my cover will do all the talking necessary.

A nice little discovery of mine was this live journal I found last year with a heap of very interesting work. I have no idea what it is all about because I have only scrolled through the images real quick but it is really worth checking out. And yes I tried it out and it is not too difficult to do if you have a Wacom graphic tablet handy. The image attached here is off the journal and not mine (as mine were not as good as that one is). Cool well it's the weekend time to relax a little - Luke.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Trochut is good.

Just a quick post because I watched this video and it had Alex Trochut involved so it is top notch stuff. That's it for today - Luke.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

First Shirt Design and Not Having My Camera!

Here is the shirt that I designed for the Rahzo contest a while ago. I would have posted this ages ago but not having my camera has really slowed down the process. I don't know how any designer cannot have a good quality camera at all times as I feel like I am going crazy without mine. This is because I lent it to my father who is doing a photography course so he needs it more then me but I wouldn't mind getting another one soon when all my debts magically vanish away to a distant planet far, far away. Other then that I slightly updated my website but not as much as I would have liked so going to get more into that over the next few months.

Like always I have been flying around the internet at random and since this whole KAWS thing is all the rage here is a link to the unique blog being kept. I haven't really had a chance to go all the way through it but its everywhere at the moment so check it out. Very nostalgic in a way and bold which captures your attention - so it works!

Getting some paints over the weekend hopefully to create some chaos, alright that's it - Luke.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Typeface Rant/Inspiration/Kanye West VH1

I have become totally annoyed with the default typefaces currently available, really annoyed. Just had to put this out there and I avoid using them as much as possible unless it is for informative purposes - but even then if I can find a way around it I will do it (now I feel better!). Anyway the last week has been sluggish as far as creative thought goes so here is another inspirational design blog that I have found called Fubiz, much like the one I posted before it just shows you what thinking outside the box can accomplish.

Then today I watched the most amazing thing I have seen in a long time which was Kanye West's performance on VH1 Storytellers. The reason I put this on here is because music is a close relative to design (well I think and have been told this) plus the stage he performed on looked great (even though it was a simple look it was just done really well). But the music he creates is constantly changing and he inspires me to constantly change what I do and don't get too comfortable for too long - in other words stay ahead of everyone else. Currently I am working on ideas for the next LO-FI Zine and planning my website/portfolio but I will take a little time with it because there is no need to rush it just yet. That is about everything for today - Luke.