Sunday, June 1, 2008

GPS Navigation Assignment (Digital)

This is my rationale for the digital section of the assessment. (Note: The poster is not cut uneven it is just sitting like that.)

The digital version was a much faster and easier way. My idea was to run along the look of what i did before with the "road" going around the box but to make it much more attractive. To match the advertisement i made a very safe color combination of red, black and white. This combination is used a fair bit with car accessories and equipment. By having important sections of the box white and more simple sections black it has a nice balance in my view. The logo sticks out due to the "lean" created as well. Very simple typefaces were used (Arial, Franklin Gothic, Gill Sans.) so it was really easy to read. Everything sits where it should and the logo is visible on all sides. The design of the box is a nice and neat container made small as possible.

The poster was just looking at the advances in technology and how a GPS unit renders road maps useless. The new use for road maps concept would work well in my opinion with a possible series being made. The image is of "paper-girls" on the back seat of a car which i may have done differently with the right resources. As with the box it was kept simple and straight to the point. Overall i believe it all works well together and i am happy with the results.

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