Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA) is an organisation for graphic designers. It is nationally known as a way of helping graphic designers and clients work together a lot easier. It was founded in June 1988 to help Australia in the world of Graphic Design. There are currently well over 2,600 members in a vast range of sectors (Creative, Visual Communication, Applied Design and Technology) in the industry. AGDA is also a leading member of the International Council of Graphic Design Organisations which forms a global network of 187 member associations spread across 56 countries. Most states have an AGDA Council the only two that do not currently have them is Western Australia and Northern Territory. The group was started by a dedicated bunch of Melbourne designers and was solidified at a Mildura Design Conference where 50 designers all were together on the one stage. AGDA members have to follow a certain code of ethics as well which includes a responsibility to the environment, monitor conflicts of interest, professional conduct, clients best interests/confidentiality, other designers, commissions, fees self publication and are not to take part in design competitions unless approved by AGDA. To educate the public on what good design is and encourage new students to the industry is another aspect of AGDA. The way this done is through such methods as surveys, seminars, lobbying the government and building relationships with all faucets of the industry.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
5371e: Calendar

5371e: War Heroes Booklet

5371e: Pfizer Brochure

5371e: Kids Map of Australia
5371e: Graphic Conference Poster

5371e: Pizzari Menu

5371e: Holiday Branding
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
7890b - Typeface 3
7890b - Typeface2
7890b - Typeface 1
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Composite 9 (My Life)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
GPS Navigation Assignment (Digital)

This is my rationale for the digital section of the assessment. (Note: The poster is not cut uneven it is just sitting like that.)
The digital version was a much faster and easier way. My idea was to run along the look of what i did before with the "road" going around the box but to make it much more attractive. To match the advertisement i made a very safe color combination of red, black and white. This combination is used a fair bit with car accessories and equipment. By having important sections of the box white and more simple sections black it has a nice balance in my view. The logo sticks out due to the "lean" created as well. Very simple typefaces were used (Arial, Franklin Gothic, Gill Sans.) so it was really easy to read. Everything sits where it should and the logo is visible on all sides. The design of the box is a nice and neat container made small as possible.
The poster was just looking at the advances in technology and how a GPS unit renders road maps useless. The new use for road maps concept would work well in my opinion with a possible series being made. The image is of "paper-girls" on the back seat of a car which i may have done differently with the right resources. As with the box it was kept simple and straight to the point. Overall i believe it all works well together and i am happy with the results.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Weekly Logo 5 (The Bear Shop)
Weekly Logo 4 (Shove-It)
Weekly Logo 3 (Big Dave's)
Weekly Logo 2 (Destiny)
Weekly Logo 1 (Hard Kore)
Weekly Logo 5 (Richard Jones Music)
Weekly Logo 4 (Street Act)
Weekly Logo 3 (Pinaccle Technologies)
Weekly Logo 2 (Martin Shaw)
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